Archiving the event logs, In windows 95, In windows 3.11 – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 176

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 176

Revision 2.1

Archiving the Event Logs

The event logs should be archived on a periodic basis. Archiving a event log, closes the
original log and assigns it a descriptive name, allowing a new event log to be created. Periodic
archiving prevents the event log from becoming too large for efficient data processing. Report
generation can take a long time when the event log files are too large.

Event log storage is done by renaming the existing event logs. When the Doors program
discovers the original logs are unavailable, it will automatically create a new set of event logs,
using the default log names.

To ensure all current data is stored, collect all events per the instructions in the Monitor and
Collect Events from the Controllers section of this Users Guide before storing the event logs.

NOTE: If the Doors software is backed-up periodically (i.e. monthly) as described in the
previous section, the event logs are included in the backup and would not need to be archived.
Locate and delete the EVT.DBF and EVT.MDX files in the "kerisys\doors\db\files" folder to
clear the event logs.

In Windows 95


Run the Windows Explorer program.


Locate the EVT.DBF and EVT.MDX files in the "kerisys\doors\db\files" folder.


Rename these files using the following parameters.

The new names for the two files must be the same to track which event log files go

The new names must retain the .DBF and .MDX file extensions.

The new names may not have more than seven characters. Keri Systems recommends the
following format: DDMMMYY.DBF and DDMMMYY.MDX.

DD = day of archive
MMM = month of archive
YY = year of archive


Exit the Windows Explorer program.

Using this format for a set of event files archived on July 1, 1997, the EVT.DBF file would be
renamed 01JUL97.DBF and the EVT.MDX file would be renamed 01JUL97.MDX.

In Windows 3.11


Open a DOS window.


Change directory to the "C:>\kerisys\doors\db\files" subdirectory.


Rename the EVT.DBF and EVT.MDX files per the following instructions.

The new names for the two files must be the same to track which event log files go

The new names must retain the .DBF and .MDX file extensions.

The new names may not have more than seven characters. Keri Systems recommends the
following format: DDMMMYY.DBF and DDMMMYY.MDX.

DD = day of storage
MMM = month of storage
YY = year of storage