Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual
Page 106

Doors™ Users Guide
Keri Systems, Inc.
October 1998
Page 106
Revisioin 2.1
Based on entries made so far, the cards spreadsheet should look like Figure 85.
Figure 85 – Entering Cardholder Data, Part 1
Depending upon the size of the computer’s screen, more of the spreadsheet may be displayed
than is shown in Figure 85. If any portion of the spreadsheet is not displayed a scroll bar will
appear across the bottom of the spreadsheet. For the following spreadsheet column
descriptions, ensure all the columns to the right of the access group column are displayed by
clicking on the
until the Void Time column appears.
Department Group
A department group is a method of cardholder identification based on the department for
which a cardholder works, i.e. Engineering, Janitorial, Management, Manufacturing, Sales,
Stockroom. By using this field, cardholder data can be sorted by department groups,
displaying all members of a given group. Instructions for sorting data is provided later in this
Locate the Department Group cell. Click on the
and a list of the available department
groups appears. Scroll up and down this list and find the department group to be assigned
to this cardholder.
If an appropriate department group can be found, click on the Department Group name.
If an appropriate department group cannot be found, a new one can be entered. For this
example a new department group will be entered. Click in the Department Group cell
and type Management.
The On/Off cell makes a card active or inactive. When a card is first enrolled, the card is
inactive. A card must be made active to be read by readers.
Inactivate a card when the cardholder goes on vacation or takes a leave-of-absence and should
not have access during this period. This can prevent an unauthorized person from taking that
card and gaining access to a secured area. When the cardholder is due to return, activate the
card and access will be granted again.
To activate a card, locate the On/Off cell. It should be OFF and the cell should be
highlighted in red.
Click on the cell; it will turn red and be OFF.