Save a search expression, Get a search expression – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 164

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 164

Revision 2.1

Figure 154 – Power Search Library Tab

Save a Search Expression

To save a search expression, a new search expression must have been created under the Power
Search tab.


To save a search expression, click on the on the Library tab (see Figure 154). Verify that
the expression to be saved is entered in the "Search Expression" field.


Click in the "Select Template" field and enter a descriptive name for the search
expression. For example, using the search expression entered in the power search
example above, type July 5 Door Check.


Click on the


Get a Search Expression

Search expressions that have been saved can be retrieved and run.


To retrieve a search expression, click on the Library tab (see Figure 150).


In the Select Template" field, click on the

box and a list of available search

expressions is displayed (see Figure 155).

Figure 155 – List of Search Expressions