Assign a door class – Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 66

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Doors™ Users Guide

Keri Systems, Inc.

October 1998


Page 66

Revision 2.1

Figure 34 – Naming Doors


Once changes have been made, click on the

button. If the changes are not saved

before clicking any other button or exiting the system setup window, the data entered is
lost and must be re-entered.


Now update the access control network with the new information. Click on the

button on the tool bar (for details on the update process refer to the Update the Network
section found later in this users guide).

Assign a Door Class

Door classes allow an operator to classify doors so that door commands can be performed on
all doors within that class. Using the example from Figure 1 in the Users Guide section, this
access control network could have three door classes: exterior doors, interior doors, and
emergency doors.

With these classifications in place, an operator can perform commands on door classes such
as manually locking/unlocking all doors within the door class or performing a complete
database update of all controllers within the door class.

Before assigning door classes, take some time and map out all the door class possibilities for
the site. Consider how doors with similar access responsibilities can be grouped together.


To assign a door class, click on the Setup

System pull-down menu or click on the

tool bar button. Then click on the Doors tab. Building off the previous section, the

window found in Figure 34 appears.


Scan down the door name and controller/door address columns and locate a door to be
assigned a door class.


Click on the "Door Class" cell corresponding to the selected controller/door.


Type a descriptive door class title for that door. For example, based on the information
given in Figure 1 in the Users Guide section, for controller C001/Door D1-Emergency
Exit, type Emergency Doors.

NOTE: In the door class cell is a drop-down arrow

. If you click on the arrow, a list with

all available selections will appear. Once a number of selections has been entered, you may
decide to use this method to make a selection instead of directly typing the information into
the cell.