Keri Systems Doors16 User Manual

Page 219

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Keri Systems, Inc.

Doors™ Users Guide


October 1998

Revision 2.1

Page 219


Creating, 149
Generating Output, 153
Power Search, 155

Boolean Links, 159
Boolean Operators, 157
Example, 160
Fields, 156
Generating From an Archived Log, 177
Library, 163
Sort Order - Reverse, 165
Use Card Numbers, 166
Use Cardholder Names, 166

Quick Search, 149


Save to File - Selecting Events, 128
Serial Port Test - See COMTEST
Sites, 179

Adding New, 185
Configuration Information, 181
Database Changes, 186
Enable Multiple Sites, 179
Program Operation Changes, 186

Smart Update - See Updating the Network
Software Installation, 17

Backing Up an Original Installation, 17
Deleting an Original Installation, 21
New, 17
Recovering an Original Installation, 20
Troubleshooting, 19
Upgrading, 17


Printing Cardholder Data, 116
Resizing a Column, 116
Resizing a Row, 116

Starting Doors, 29
System Maintenance - See Maintenance
System Operation, 135

Lock Doors, 136
Timed Unlock, 140
Unlock Doors, 138
Update Doors, 142



Setting Controller, 42
Setting Host Computer, 15