ETC Congo Family v6.4.0 User Manual

Page 849

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Console Key - CHASE

The CHASE soft key in the EFFECTS soft key menu, is used to open the editor for chase

• [CHASE] - Opens the CHASE editor.

• [#] [CHASE] - Opens the CHASE editor focused at chase #.

For more information see

Chase Effects

There is no keyboard equivalent

Console Key - CH TIME

CH TIME is a soft key in the TIME menu of the console main display. It is used to record
individual channel times. Times are recorded to the Sequence Step in A or B depending on
the setting of Times.

• [#] [CH TIME] - Record that time to the currently selected channel(s).

For more information see

Sequence Times - Channel Times


There is no keyboard equivalent.

Console Key - CH DELAY

CH DELAYT is a soft key in the TIME menu of the console main display. It is used to record
individual channel delay times. Times are recorded to the Sequence Step in A or B
depending on the setting of Times.

• [#] [CH DELAY] - Record that time to the currently selected channel(s).

For more information see

Sequence Times - Channel Times


There is no keyboard equivalent.