Save & save as... (6.3) – ETC Congo Family v6.4.0 User Manual

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Save & Save as... (6.3)

The key shortcut for saving a play is C & UPDATE (save) or C & RECORD (save as). You
can also press CTRL-S on a keyboard.

To save using the Files node in the Browser:




1. Open the Browser


If it was already selected
it will be closed. Press
again to open.

2. Go to Files

Down Arrow

Files is highlighted

3. Expand subnodes

Right arrow

Subnodes are expanded.

4. Select Save as

Down Arrow

"Save as..." is

5. Confirm


A dialogue is opened
(see below). Choose
target drive Play Archive
(Hard drive in console),
USB (if inserted) or
Floppy (if connected).

Depending on if the current play was saved or not you will either get the "Save" dialogue