ETC Congo Family v6.4.0 User Manual
Page 60
Printing in V6
There is a completely new printing wizard that allows you to print play data to pdf or text files,
sorted in different ways and in different formats. These files are copied to a USB memory
and printed from any standard computer.
You can print Channel Layouts in grey or color as jpg files.
Channel Layout Editor - Print
New Dock Areas in V6
Dock area navigation has been simplified so you always reach the Browser when pressing
BROWSER - and you can close/open or resize any dock area by holding BROWSER and
pressing the arrow key of that dock.
• There is a new Designer Summary dock with information about the current playback
status and palettes.
• There is a new Selected - Live dock for channels and effect playbacks.
• There is a new Time Code dock.
Dock Areas
Time Code in V6
There is a new Time Code dock area and a new Time Code Editor for editing multiple steps.
Time Code Dock
Edit time code in the sequence list