ETC Congo Family v6.4.0 User Manual

Page 1000

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Receive - OSC Input (6.3)

To receive OSC commands you have to activate reception of OSC and select the
appropriate Port number (default 7000) in

Play Settings - Show Control


The device transmitting OSC needs both this port number and the IP address of your Congo
system. You can check your IP address in Browser >About >About Congo.

About OSC commands

• An OSC command consists of an address, sometimes followed by a value and/or an

argument, eg "/masters/page/X"

• Buttons may be momentary. eg "/mainplayback/go".

• Buttons may be On/Off, use 0.0 for Off, 1.0 for On. eg "/masters/flash/X 0.0"

• Fader and Attribute values are 0.0 to 1.0 (float) for minimum and maximum. eg

"/masters/fader/1 0.5" to set Master 1 to 50%"

The following commands are supported:

/refreshstatus = Command to force an update of all labels and fader values

/masters/fader/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/key/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/flash/X <0.0-1.0>
/masters/pagePlus/X = Page+ for master block X (1-4)
/masters/pageMinus/X = Page- for master block X (1-4)
/masters/page/X = Master page (1-999)

/masters/fader/X <0.0-1.0> = transmission when a fader value changes
/masters/label/X = Sends master label changes
/masters/page/label/X =Sends master page label changes

Main Playback


Direct parameter control
/parameter/pan <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/tilt <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/hue <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/saturation <0.0-1.0>
/parameter/intensity <0.0-1.0>