Sequences - crossfade movefade & lockfade – ETC Congo Family v6.4.0 User Manual
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Sequences - Crossfade Movefade & Lockfade
When you record a new Preset to a Sequence you will get the option to store it as a
Crossfade, a Movefade or a Lockfade. Each of these modes affects how channels in that
Preset will be played back when a the next crossfade is started.
Record a
Normally a crossfade (x) is
recorded. This means that all
channel values are replaced when a
new crossfade is started.
Record a Move
[+] & [RECORD] When a movefade (m) is followed by
another movefade, only channels
with new levels will be affected.
Record a
[-] & [RECORD] When a lockfade (l) is started, the
channels involved will not be
affected by anything until they have
finished the fade they started.
Stepping in the sequence will stop
ongoing lock fades.
• When you jump in the sequence with GOTO, the history of all fades will be executed
to recreate the correct state after the jump.
• GOTO & B updates the current state (scanning backwards in the sequence
accumulating Move/Lock fades).
• For a Lock fade, it is not possible to press PAUSE or GO BACK, since the nature is
to "lock" the fade regardless of other playback controls.
• Stepping through the sequence with SEQ+/SEQ- or using GOTO will stop current
Lock fades.
• If you start a move or lock fade on top of a crossfade, the crossfade now continues
to run in the background and is also available for speed control on the display.
• Move and Lock fades are indicated with M and L in the Channel Views.