ETC Congo Family v6.4.0 User Manual

Page 527

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Import Text File - LightWright

It is easy to import Channel Database texts from LightWright. Here are some good things to

You can download the Lightwright demo from

. The demo works

fine and you can even save shows (it has a limit of 75 units). It also contains a demo show.

Export Format
In Lightwright, data can be exported to tab or comma separated *.txt files. We recommend
tab separated files, since comma separated files can cause problems with data that includes
commas. This is found under File > Export > Data. In this popup you can also select which
data to export.

Uncheck Items
We suggest you select which items to export in the export popup mentioned above, or you
will have an enormous amount of data to select from.

Typical categories to include would probably be

• Channel

• Dimmer

• Wattage

• Purpose

• Position

• Instrument

• Type

• Color

• Type & Wattage

• Color & Template.

A suggestion for columns to import (besides Channels) into the Channel Database would be

• Text A= Purpose

• Text B= Position

• Text C= Color & Template

• Text D= Type & Wattage

Uncheck Parentheses
Lightwright seems to by default use parentheses (#) on channel numbers. So channel 1 in
Lightwright is (1).
When you export the data from LightWright, in Export options, check the option "Strip
channel parentheses ()". If you do not check this option, the channel will be exported with the
parentheses and Congo will not understand that it is a channel number.

There is also a setting in Edit > Preferences, "Use parentheses () around channel numbers".
By checking that box, it's also possible to get rid of the parentheses in the lists.