FUJITSU XG Series P3NK-4452-01ENZD User Manual

Page 562

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XG Series User's Guide

Chapter 6 Managing the Device

Saving/Restoring Configuration Information


• The following error message may be displayed while using ftp commands:

If this error message is displayed, perform the following operation and retry the failed operation:

Saving configuration information using the FTP server function

The following explains how to save configuration information using ftp commands on a PC.


Be sure to observe the following precautions while performing maintenance operations:
• Do not cut power to the device.
• Ensure that no data communication is taking place on the device.
• Perform these operations only when no configuration is taking place on the console.


Example of using an ftp command

The following example saves configuration information 1 to the config1-1 file on the PC.

502 PASV command not implemented.
Passive mode regused.

ftp> passive : Change the passive mode.
Passive mode off.

C:\>cd Directory in which to store configuration information

: Connect to the device.

Connected to
220 XG2600 V01.00 FTP server (config1) ready.
Name( ftp-admin

: Enter the user name.

331 Password required for ftp-admin.

: Enter the password.

230 User ftp-admin logged in.

: Enter binary mode.

200 Type set to I.
fftp>get config1 config1-1

: Save configuration information 1 (config1) to the config1-1 file.

local: config1 remote: config1-1
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for ‘config1’(2753 bytes)

226- Transfer complete.
2857 bytes received in 1.10 seconds (2.44 Kbytes/s)

: Finish

221 Goodbye.

Get configuration information 
with an ftp command

FTP client

IP address