H3C Technologies H3C SecPath F1000-E User Manual
Page 386

Item Description
Specify the resources that can be accessed by user hosts that satisfy the security policy.
You can select All Web Proxies, All TCP Applications, and all IP Networks. To select
specific Web proxies, TCP applications, or IP networks, click the corresponding
expansion button.
Table 57 Rule configuration items
Item Description
Rule Name
Enter a name for the operating system rule.
Specify the operating system type. A user host must run the specified type of
operating system to pass security check.
Specify the operating system version. The operating system of a user host must
satisfy the version requirement to pass security check.
Specify the operating system patches. The operating system of a user host must
have the specified patches installed to pass security check.
Rule Name
Enter a name for the browser rule.
Specify the browser type. A user host must use the specified type of browser to
pass security check.
Set an operator for the browser version check.
>=: A user host must use the specified version or a later version.
>: A user host must use a version later than the specified version.
=: A user host must use the specified version.
<=: A user host must use the specified version or an earlier version.
<: A user host must use a version earlier than the specified version.
Specify the browser version.
An IE browser version must be a floating point number with up to two digits after
the radix point.
Specify the browser patches. The browser of a user host must have the
specified patches installed to pass security check.
Rule Name
Enter a name for the antivirus software rule.
Specify the antivirus software type. A user host must use the specified type of
antivirus software to pass security check.
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