11 managing licenses, 1 understanding license file concepts, 11 managing licenses -15 – HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share User Manual

Page 47: 1 understanding license file concepts -15, Managing licenses (section 3.11), 1understanding license file concepts

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Deleting SFS20 array information from the database



When you have finished unconfiguring (or reconfiguring) the array, shut down the servers, enable

them, and then boot them again, by entering the commands shown in the following example:

sfs> shutdown server south[3-4]
sfs> enable server south[3-4]
sfs> boot server south[3-4]

Because the servers are enabled, the services will run on the servers when the servers boot.

3.10 Deleting SFS20 array information from the database

When you unconfigure an SFS20 array, the array information is not deleted from the database. If the array

is being removed from the system, you must delete the array information from the database by entering the

command shown in the following example, where array


is deleted:

sfs> delete array 3


Deleting the array information from the database makes the array unusable. Use this command

only when an array is being disconnected from a server pair.

If you do not detach the SFS20 array from both servers, the next time either of the servers is rebooted, the

SFS20 array is discovered again. This creates a new array in the database; the new array has a different

number but the same serial number. If this happens, you can delete the array again using the



command, because the array is not configured.

3.11 Managing licenses

This section describes how to manage licenses on your HP SFS system, and is organized as follows:

Understanding license file concepts (Section 3.11.1)

Viewing license information (Section 3.11.2)

Adding or removing licenses (Section 3.11.3)

Licensing additional storage capacity to the system (Section 3.11.4)

Upgrading from an SFSMDSOST license (Section 3.11.5)

Deleting all licenses (Section 3.11.6)

3.11.1Understanding license file concepts

For each license that you order from HP, you receive a license file when you redeem the license. Depending

on your system configuration, you may receive more than one license (this is explained later in this section).

When you install your HP SFS system, you use the licenses you received from HP to create a license file and

then install that license file on the system. The instructions for obtaining and installing license files are given

as part of the installation instructions in the HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share System Installation and

Upgrade Guide.

This section describes the contents and purpose of the license files.

Each license file that you receive from HP contains an increment. There are five types of increment, and each

one enables a specific piece of functionality, as follows:


(MDS+OST license; minimal system) Allows you to create and start a 2TB file

system based on capacity class (SFS20 enclosure) storage on an HP SFS

system that contains two servers. The OST services must not run on Object

Storage Servers; instead, they must run on the administration and MDS servers.


(MDS license) Allows you to start a file system that is based on enterprise class

(EVA4000) storage.