8 examining the interconnect switch for errors, 8 examining the interconnect switch for errors -43, Section 9.27.8) – HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share User Manual

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Troubleshooting file system performance



Examining the interconnect switch for errors

To find information on errors on a Myrinet interconnect, a Quadrics interconnect, or a Voltaire InfiniBand

interconnect, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation.

To find information on errors on a Gigabit Ethernet interconnect, look at all of the switches through which

traffic between servers and clients will be routed and check for errors or misconfigurations. The data

available varies depending on the type of switch that is used.

The following is an example of output from a HP ProCurve Switch 2848:

> show interfaces

Status and Counters - Port Counters

Flow Bcast
Port Total Bytes Total Frames Errors Rx Drops Rx Ctrl Limit
------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- ------
1 4,234,537... 15,591,310 0 1 off 0
2 4,210,053... 15,422,939 0 1 off 0
3 4,210,527... 15,421,329 0 2 off 0
4 4,232,989... 15,575,916 0 0 off 0
5 2,022,557... 203,255,065 0 2 off 0
6 1,339,874... 200,445,987 0 1 off 0
45-Trk1 95,762,911 393,655,481 0 1,617,850 off 0
46-Trk1 2,100,952... 245,160,758 0 1,071,068 off 0
47-Trk1 8,311,749 115,999 1933 0 off 0
48-Trk1 375,529,705 853,463,126 0 0 off 0

Alternatively, you can enter the


command and use the menu interface to view the information, as

shown in the following example:

> menu

pg44lab1 11-Feb-1990 18:15:25
==========================- TELNET - OPERATOR MODE -============================
Main Menu

1. Status and Counters...
2. Event Log
3. Command Line (CLI)
0. Logout

Provides the menu to display configuration, status, and counters.
To select menu item, press item number, or highlight item and press . 1

pg44lab1 11-Feb-1990 18:15:35
==========================- TELNET - OPERATOR MODE -============================
Status and Counters Menu

1. General System Information
2. Switch Management Address Information
3. Port Status
4. Port Counters
5. Vlan Address Table
6. Port Address Table
7. Spanning Tree Information
0. Return to Main Menu...

Displays a summary of network activity; access to counters for each port.
To select menu item, press item number, or highlight item and press . 4