15 the configure array command fails, 1 sfs20 array cabling problems, 15 the configure array command fails -9 – HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share User Manual
Page 233: 1 sfs20 array cabling problems -9, The configure array command fails (section 9.15)

The configure array command fails
========================= M e m b e r S t a t u s ==========================
Member Status Node Id Power Switch
-------------- ---------- ---------- ------------
south1 Up 0 Good
south2 Up 1 Good
========================= H e a r t b e a t S t a t u s ====================
Name Type Status
------------------------------ ---------- ------------
south1 <--> south2 network ONLINE
========================= S e r v i c e S t a t u s ========================
Last Monitor Restart
Service Status Owner Transition Interval Count
-------------- -------- -------------- ---------------- -------- -------
admin started south1 10:49:09 Aug 04 30 0
Under normal circumstances, the status of the administration service will be shown as
(as shown
in the
Service Status
section of the above example). The following extract shows output from a
command when the administration service is stopped:
admin stopped None 10:51:59 Aug 04 30 0
If the administration service status is not shown as
, you can start the service by entering the
command shown in the following example, where
is the administration server:
# cluadmin -- service enable admin south1
Enter the
command again and check that the administration service status is now shown as
, and that the name of the administration server is shown in the
field for the service.
9.15 The configure array command fails
configure array
command may fail in the following circumstance:
The array is incorrectly cabled. For information on troubleshooting this problem, see Section 9.15.1.
The preferred server for the array is down. For information on troubleshooting this problem, see
9.15.1 SFS20 array cabling problems
configure array
command may fail and show output similar to the following:
sfs> configure array 5
Command id 360
16:19:31 south3 --
16:19:38 south3 --
16:19:38 south3 -- Initialize MSA20 CLI
16:20:36 south3 --
16:20:36 south3 -- Checking CCISS Host Bus Adaptors
16:20:36 south3 -- Configuring array 5
16:20:36 south3 -- Checking array 5 is valid
16:20:36 south3 -- Error encountered configuring array 5
16:20:36 south3 -- Failed configure: Array 5 is not connected to the same
16:20:36 south3 -- controller and port on south3 and south4
16:20:36 south3 -- Array 5 is not configured. Check cables, correct the problem
16:20:36 south3 -- and try the configure arra
This indicates that the cables used to connect the servers in the server pair to the SFS20 array are not
connected to the correct port on the servers. Refer to Chapter 1 of the HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share
System Installation and Upgrade Guide for information on cabling requirements for servers connected to
SFS20 arrays.