HP StorageWorks Scalable File Share User Manual
Page 46

Operating the system
To unconfigure an SFS20 array, perform the following steps:
Determine the name of the array you want to unconfigure, as shown in the following example:
sfs> show array
Array Type Array (WWID) Disks Free Server
----- ------- ----------------- ----- ----- ---------------
1 MSA20 P6C8CX7MQPS7X6 12 0 south[1-2]
2 MSA20 P6C8CX7MQPS7TU 12 0 south[1-2]
3 MSA20 P6C8CX7MQPSU67 12 0 south[3-4]
4 MSA20 P6C8CX7MQPS7XG 12 0 south[3-4]
If the OST LUNs on the array are being used in a file system, delete the file system (see Section 5.10).
To ensure that the LUNs on the array are not in use, shut down the servers the array is attached to,
disable them, and then boot them again, by entering the commands shown in the following example:
sfs> shutdown server south[3-4]
sfs> disable server south[3-4]
sfs> boot server south[3-4]
Because the servers are disabled, no services will run on the servers when the servers boot and the
LUNs on the arrays attached to the servers will not be in use by any file system.
From any server in the system, enter the
unconfigure array
command, as shown in the following
example, where array
is unconfigured:
sfs> unconfigure array 3
Command id 244
10:12:19 south3 --
10:12:26 south3 --
10:12:26 south3 -- Initialize MSA20 CLI
10:13:24 south3 -- Checking CCISS Host Bus Adaptors
10:13:24 south3 -- Unconfiguring array 3
10:13:24 south3 -- Checking array 3 is valid
10:13:24 south3 -- Checking status of array 3
10:13:24 south3 -- Array 3 Controller status: OK
10:13:24 south3 -- Array 3 Battery status: OK
10:13:24 south3 -- Array 3 Cache status: OK
10:13:24 south3 -- Checking status of existing disk groups on array 3
10:13:29 south3 -- Array 3 disk group A status: OK
10:13:29 south3 -- Removing all disk groups from array 3
10:13:39 south3 --
10:13:39 south3 -- Removing LUNS for Array 3 from database
10:13:39 south3 -- Array 3 now has 11 free disks
10:13:39 south3 -- Array 3 unconfigured successfully
10:13:39 south3 --
Command has finished:
south3 --
*** Server States *** Completed: south3
If the array is being removed from the system, delete the array information from the database, as
described in Section 3.10.
If you want to reconfigure the array, first reboot the servers, by entering the commands shown in the
following example:
sfs> shutdown server south[3-4]
sfs> boot server south[3-4]
Then enter the
configure array
command, and specify the configuration you require. The default
configuration is eleven disks, plus one spare disk, in one disk group. For more information on the
configure array
command, see Section A.5.1.