Nortel Networks NN43001-106 User Manual

Page 260

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Attendant Break-In with Secrecy

Attendant presses Release Destination key

The attendant may press

the RLS DEST key to release the call. This action terminates the conference
and the original call is reestablished as it was prior to Break-In. The Source
party A is connected to the Attendant. This is a current BKI operation.

Attendant presses Exclude Destination key

The attendant may press

the EXCL DEST key to return to the incoming call. The intruded parties
keep receiving the intrusion tone. This is a current BKI operation.

Attendant presses Release key

The attendant may press the Release

(RLS) key to apply Camp-on. This is a current BKI operation.

Attendant presses Break-In key again

The BKIS feature allows the

attendant to press the BKI key again in order to exclude the undesired party
C (who continues to hear intrusion tone) and to talk directly to the desired
party B without intrusion tone. The BKI indicator, which was active, flashes
at 60 impulses per minute (ipm).


When the attendant presses the BKI key a second time with the Break-In
conference excluded, is not activated (that is, if the Break-In conference is on
the destination but the attendant is talking on the source, secrecy cannot be

From this point, the following attendant operations can occur:

Attendant actions


The attendant presses the flashing BKI key. In this case, party

C, which was excluded, is brought back into conversation with the attendant,
party B, and intrusion tone. The BKI indicator reverts to an active state. The
situation reverts to a normal BKI conference with intrusion tone.

In other words, the lit BKI key can be used to exclude the unwanted party
from the BKI conference and the flashing BKI key can be used to reestablish
the BKI conference (with intrusion tone).

Exclude Destination

The attendant presses the EXCL DEST key to

return to the incoming call. The attendant is connected to the source
party. The unwanted party B and the wanted party C are reconnected
with intrusion tone. The EXCL SRC indicator is now off and the EXCL
DEST lamp and the BKI indicators are active. The operation of the EXCL
DEST key has the same effect as for a normal BKI conference situation, as
described previously.


The attendant presses the RLS key to apply Camp-on. If

Camp-on or Call Waiting is available, parties B and C are reconnected and
party A is released and either Camp-on or Call Waiting is applied to the

Nortel Communication Server 1000

Features and Services - Book 1 of 6 (A to B)




Release 5.0

27 July 2007

Copyright © 2007, Nortel Networks
