Westermo MR Series User Manual

Page 88

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Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide

RIP authentication method:

This parameter selects the authentication method for RIP packets. When set to “Off”, the inter-
face will send and receive packets without any authentication. When set to “Access List”, the
interface will send RIP packets without any authentication. When receiving packets, the interface
will check the sender’s IP address against the list entered on the Configure > IP Routes > RIP
> RIP access list
, and if the IP address is present in the list, the packet will be allowed through.
When set to “Plain password (V1+V2)”, the interface will use the first valid key it finds (set on
the Configure > IP Routes > RIP > Authentication Keys pages), and use the plaintext RIP
authentication method before sending the packet out. If no valid key can be found, the interface
will not send any RIP packets. When receiving a RIP packet, a valid plaintext key must be present
in the packet before it will be accepted. This method can be used with both RIP v1 and RIP v2.

When set to “MD5 (V2 only)”, the interface will use the first valid key it finds (set on the
Configure > IP Routes > RIP > Authentication Keys pages), and use the MD5 authentication
algorithm before sending the packet out. If no valid key can be found, the interface will not send
any RIP packets. Received RIP packets must be authenticated using the MD5 authentication algo-
rithm before they will be accepted. This method can be used with RIP v2.

PING request interval (s):

If this parameter is set to a non-zero value the unit will generate a “ping” (ICMP echo request)
to the address specified by the PING IP address parameter. Setting the value to 0 disables the
ping facility. When used in conjunction with PING IP address and No PING response out of
service delay, this parameter can be used to configure the router to use a back-up interface
automatically should there be a problem with this interface.

PING IP address:

This parameter specifies the IP address or host name to which ICMP echo requests will be sent
if the PING request interval is greater than 0.

Ping IP address #2:

This allows for more reliable problem detection before fail over occurs. If an IP address or host
name is entered and the Ping IP switchover count has a value greater than 0, when a ping failure
is detected on the primary IP address the 2nd IP address is checked. This is to ensure that if the
main IP address becomes unavailable for any reason and stops responding to ICMP requests, the
router will check another IP address before starting fail over procedures.

PING IP switchover count:

When set to more than 0, indicates the number pings that need to fail before the 2nd IP
address is checked.

Only send PINGs when interface is in service:

If this parameter is set to “ON”, ICMP echo requests will only be sent from this interface when
it is in service. The default setting is “OFF”, ICMP echo requests are sent when the interface is
in service and out of service.

No PING response out of service delay (s):

This parameter is used to specify the length of time (in seconds), before a route will be desig-
nated as being out of service if no response has been received after three PING attempts.

Out of service time (s):

This parameter is used to specify the length of time (in seconds) for which any routes using this
Ethernet interface will be designated as being out of service after the above parameter has been

Heartbeat request interval (s):

If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, the unit will transmit “heartbeat” packets at the
interval specified. Heartbeat packets are UDP packets that contain status information about the
unit that may be used to locate a remote unit’s current dynamic IP address.

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