Confi gure > smtp 4.75 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 227
Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Confi gure > SMTP
The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is widely used for the transmission of electronic mail. The
unit incorporates a software module known as an SMTP Client which sends emails by establishing a
connection to a remote computer that is running an SMTP server and then transmits emails using
the SMTP protocol.
Using the Web Page(s)
The Configure > SMTP page allows you to set up the parameters for the SMTP client. This is used
by the event logger when it has been configured to automatically generate email alert messages for
events of a specified priority or higher.
Default reply address:
This address will be inserted into the email header if it is found that no reply address exists in
the appropriate email template. If the email template contains an address in the Reply to: field it
will override the Default reply address.
Use routing code to determine interface:
When this parameter is set to “Yes”, the routing code is used to determine the outbound inter-
face, and that interface will determine the source IP address. When this parameter is “No”, the
settings in the Interface and Interface # parameters determine the outbound interface and thus
the source IP address.
The Interface field is used to specify the type of interface to use. Either “PPP” or “Ethernet” may
be selected.
Interface #:
The Interface # field is used to specify which instance of PPP to use for SMTP (normally PPP1).
Mail from address:
This parameter specifies the text to be inserted between the MAIL FROM braces command
issued to the SMTP server. Most SMTP servers will accept an empty string, but some require
that an address should be entered in this field. Consult your SMTP service provider for informa-
tion on whether it is necessary to enter an address in this field.
Retry delay (s):
If the first attempt at sending an email fails then the unit will wait the specified amount of time
(in seconds) before making another attempt. If this parameter is set to 0 then the unit will not
make any further attempts to transmit the email.
Server address:
In order to allow the unit to send email messages, you will need to insert the address of your
SMTP mail server for outgoing mail into the Server Address field, e.g. You will
also need to use the Configure > PPP pages to set the PPP dialout number to the correct
number for your ISP.
Server port:
This is the TCP port number that the SMTP server listens on. It should not normally be neces-
sary to change the default value of 25.
Attachment size limit (kb):
When sending an email message with an attachment, e.g. ANA.TXT, this parameter may be used
to specify a maximum size for the attachment in kb. For example, setting the parameter to 250
would cause the unit to truncate each file attached to an email to 250kb before transmission. If
the parameter is set to 0 the file size is not limited.