Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 33

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
V110 user rate:
This parameter allows you to specify the data rate to be used on ISDN when operating in V.110
V110 fixed rate:
This parameter can be set to Yes to prevent the V.110 protocol from changing the data rate.
Direct sync mode:
This parameter allows you to replace the standard V120 frame header with the 0xff character.
The data received on the ASY port can then be considered to be written directly onto the sync
ISDN line (apart from the 0xff header in each frame).
Socket mode:
This parameter allows you to connect using a TCP socket rather than an ISDN line.
IP address:
The IP address of the TCP socket the router is connecting to in Socket mode.
IP port:
The port number of the TCP socket the router is connecting to in Socket mode.
Listening IP port:
The port number the router is listening on in Socket mode.
LAPB Confi guration:
The following parameters are only used if a V.120 connection is established in Multi-frame mode:
N400 counter:
This is the standard LAPB/LAPD retry counter. The default value is 3 and it should not normally
be necessary to change this.
RR timer (ms):
This is a standard LAPB/LAPD Receiver Ready timer. The default value is 10,000ms (10 seconds)
and it should not normally be necessary to change this.
T1 timer (ms):
This is a standard LAPB/LAPD timer. The default value is 1000 milliseconds and under normal
cir cumstances, it should not be necessary to change it.
T200 timer (ms):
This is a standard LAPB/LAPD re-transmit timer. The default value is 1000 milliseconds and
under normal circumstances, it should not be necessary to change it.