Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 152
Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Egroup confi guration
This configuration holds information relating to the MySQL database, and the names of the fields
where the information is held. This configuration is also used to identify which eroutes are used to
create dynamic eroutes.
Example MySQL schema
mysql> describe eroutes;
| Field
| Type
| Null | Key | Default
| Extra
| peerip
| varchar(20) | YES
| NULL | |
| bakpeerip
| varchar(20) | YES
| NULL | |
| peerid
| varchar(20) | NO
| | |
| password
| varchar(20) | YES
| NULL | |
| ourid
| varchar(20) | YES
| NULL | |
| remip
| varchar(20) | YES
| UNI | NULL | |
| remmsk
| varchar(20) | YES
| NULL | |
7 rows in set (0.01 sec)
Using the Web Page(s)
The Configure > IPSec > Egroups page contains a number of sub-pages for Egroup n
The parameters listed on each Egroup page are as follows:
Link this egroup with this eroute #:
The base eroute configuration number. This value allows the router to see that an eroute should
use the egroup configuration to retrieve dynamic information from the database.
Remote mask to use for tunnels:
This field is used in the SQL SELECT query in conjunction with the destination IP address of
packets to be tunnelled from the host to the remote to identify the correct record to select
from the MySQL database.
Database server IP/hostname:
The hostname where the MySQL server is running.
Database server port:
The port the MySQL server is running on. The default of 3306 is used if this parameter has
value 0.
Database login username:
The username to use when logging in to the MySQL server.
Database login password:
The password to use when logging in to the MySQL server.
Database name:
The name of the database to connect to.
Database table:
The name of the table where the remote site information is stored.