Saving confi guration settings. 4.112 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 321

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Saving Confi guration Settings.
Once you have configured the unit, your chosen settings must be saved to non-volatile memory to
avoid losing them when the power is removed. Application command settings are stored in one of
two “CONFIG” files. AT command and S register settings are stored in one file call “SREGS.DAT”.
Confi g Files
Most configuration information is stored in one of two files called “CONFIG.DA0” and “CONFIG.
DA1”. This allows two different sets of configuration information to be stored using the Save option
in the directory tree at the left of the web interface, or by using the config command from the
command line.
The SaveAll button will save:
File name
Configuration held in file
Main configuration parameters
Encrypted passwords
Firewall rules
Serial port S registers
X.25 PAD profiles
You may select which of the two config files is loaded when the unit is powered-up or rebooted by
setting the value of the Power Up Config option on the Configure > General web page as required
(or by using the config text command).
The CONFIG files only contain details of settings that have been changed from the default val-
A combined set of AT command and S register settings are referred to as a “profile”. Two such pro-
files (0 and 1) may be stored for each ASY port in a file called “SREGS.DAT” using the Save Profile
button on the relevant Configure > ASY port web page, or by using the AT&W command.
It is important to remember that saving the settings for one ASY port does not save the settings for
the other ports so the settings for each port must be saved individually.
For each ASY port, the profile to be loaded at reboot or power-up is specified in the Power-up
Profile setting on the relevant Configure > ASY port web page (or by using AT&Y command).
A profile for a particular ASY port may also be loaded to take immediate effect by using the Load
Profile button on the ASY port’s web page, or by using the ATZ command.
As of firmware version 4981, the encrypted forms of passwords entered into the configuration are
stored in a separate file named pwds.da0. This file can only be accessed by users with Super level
privileges. The file can be read with the type command, e.g. type pwds.da0
The pwds.da0 file is only created when a password is changed from default and the configuration is
saved. The encrypted versions of the default passwords are then removed from the config.da0 file
and the new pwds.da0 is created and used instead.
If the pwds.da0 file is deleted all remote access to the router that requires authentication will fail,
a serial cable connection will be required to re-configure passwords to gain access to the router. If
both the pwds.da0 file exists and the config.da0 contains passwords also, the passwords in the con-
fig.da0 take precedence and will over write the passwords in the pwds.da0 when a save command is