Statistics pages 5 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 324

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Statistics Pages
Your Westermo product maintains a wide range of statistics relating to each of the different proto-
col instances that may be used. These statistics are collected and maintained in non-volatile memory
and may be displayed via the Statistics web pages.
Clicking on the Statistics branch of the directory tree will reveal options to display statistics for
X.25 PAD, PPP, TPAD and V.120 instances, ASY ports or synchronous data channels.
To display the statistics for a particular port or protocol instance click on the appropriate “+” sym-
bol to expand the required branch and then select the specific instance you require. For example,
to display the statistics for X.25 PAD 0, click on the “+” symbol next to the X.25 PADS statistics
label and then click on the PAD 0 hyperlink. On this page you can examine all statistics relating to
the operation of PAD instance 0. This includes items such as the number of incoming calls, outgoing
calls, number of bytes received, etc.
At the bottom of each statistics web page (you may need to use the scroll bar) is a button that
allows you to clear all of the statistics counters for that page. Clicking the button once will clear all
values on that page to 0.
Each of the following sections describes the statistics you may encounter on each web page, along
with the commands needed to view and clear each set of statistics from the command line.