Confi gure > system messages 4.91 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
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Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Confi gure > System Messages
It is possible for the unit to deliver messages to other units using UDP. Currently, this only involves
sending Backup IP addresses. If an IP address is configured in the System messages destination field,
the unit will send IP address available and IP address unavailable messages to the IP address specified
in this field. Units that receive the IP address available/unavailable messages will search their own
backup IP address tables for the IP address indicated in the system message and tag that address as
available/unavailable as applicable.
Using the Web Page(s)
System messages destination:
This is the IP address of the unit that the System Messages will be sent to.
Using Text Commands
From the command line, use the sarsys command to configure or display System Message settings.
To display current settings for the System Messages enter the following command:
To change the destination of the Syslog messages enter:
sarsys 0 dest