Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 115

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Transfer failure mode:
If the unit cannot establish a connection to the specified FTP host after the number of retries
spec ified above, it will either retain the file in memory or delete it depending upon the setting
of this parameter. If the file is retained, manual intervention will be required to recover it at a
later stage.
The file will be lost if the power is removed from the unit.
Rename local file:
When this parameter is set to “Yes”, the unit will store uploaded files internally with a filename
in the form “relnnnn” where nnnn is a sequential number. For each new file received the
number is incremented. When the file is relayed to the FTP host the original filename is used.
When the parameter is set to “No”, the file is stored internally under its original filename.
This parameter should be used if you wish to upload a file with a file name longer than 12
charac ters including the extension and period (e.g. longer than an 8.3 style file name such as
Email template:
This field contains the name of the template file that will be used to form the basis of any email
messages generated by the FTP Relay Agent. This would normally be the standard “EVENT.EML”
template provided with the unit but you may create alternative templates if necessary (see Email
Email To:
This parameter is used to specify the email address for the recipient of email messages gener-
ated by the FTP Relay Agent.
Email From:
This parameter is used to specify the email address for the unit. You will need to set up an email
account with your Internet Service Provider.
Email Subject:
This field should contain a brief description of the email content.