Westermo MR Series User Manual

Page 106

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Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide

Syslog Facility:

This parameter will alter the default syslog facility of the event to that of the value selected.

Filter Event:

Selecting “On” will prevent this event from being written to the Event Log. This means the event
will not trigger any automatic emails, SMS messages or SNMP traps.

This parameter is NOT saved in the logcodes.txt file but in the config.dax file. This means that
after changing this parameter, the change must be saved by clicking the Save link near the bot-
tom of the web menu, NOT the Save All Event Code Changes button on the Configure >
Event Logcodes
On the command line the event number of filtered events is stored in comma separated list in
the “event 0 ev_filter” parameter. This is edited on the web in the Event Filter Codes param-
eter on the Configure > Event Handler page.

PPP Mask:

A bitmask (entered in decimal format) that determines which PPP instances the priority for the
event will apply. For example, if you wish that only events on PPP0 and PPP3 have the priority
set in the Priority parameter, enter 5 (1010 in decimal).

Log Level:

The priority of the event, used to determine whether the event will be logged. This is deter-
mined by the value of the Maximum event priority to log parameter set in the Configure >
Event Handler

Priority is Conditional on Entity#:

If this parameter is “On”, the event is conditional on which entity triggered the event (e.g. eth,
ppp, etc.). Choose the entity from the Entity drop-down list.


See above.

Priority is Conditional on instance#:

Used in conjunction with Priority is Conditional on Entity#. If this parameter is “On”, then the
event is conditional not only upon which entity triggered the event, but on which instance of
the entity, entered in the Instance # parameter. For example, if Priority is Conditional on Entity#
is set to “eth”, this parameter is “On”, and Instance # is 1, only events of this type triggered by
Eth 1 will be triggered.

Instance #:

See above.

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