S2 escape character 18.3 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 422

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
S2 Escape Character
Units: ASCII
Default: 43
Range: 0-255
The value stored in S2 defines which ASCII character is used as the Escape character, which by
default is the “+” symbol. Entering this character three times followed by a delay of 1-2 seconds and
then an AT command will cause the unit to switch from on-line mode to command mode.
S12 Escape Delay
Units: ms
Default: 50
Range: 0-255
The value stored in S12 defines the delay between sending the escape sequence and entering an AT
command for the unit to switch from on-line mode to command mode.
S15 Data Forwarding Timer
Units: 10ms
Default: 0
Range: 0-255
S15 is used to set the data forwarding timer for the ASY port in multiples of 10ms. The default data
forwarding time is 20ms and in normal use this there should be no need to change this. However,
set ting S15 to 1 enables a special mode of operation in which data is forwarded as fast as possible
for the data rate for which the port is configured (at 115000bps this will typically be 2-3ms).
Note that the default value of 0 is equivalent to setting the register to 2 in order to maintain com-
patibility with older systems.
S23 Parity
Units: N/A
Default: 0
Range: 0-2,5,6
The value stored in S23 determines whether the parity used for the ASY port is set to None (0),
Odd (1), Even (2), 8Data Odd (5) or 8Data Even (6).
S31 ASY Interface Speed
Units: N/A
Default: 0
Range: 0-11
Register S31 is used to set the speed and data format for the ASY port to which you are currently
The default value for ASY 0 is 0, i.e. the port speed/data format is not set to a specific value, it is
deter mined automatically from the AT commands that you enter.
The default value for ASY 1, 2 and 3 is 3, i.e. the ports will only accept AT commands at 115,200bps
(8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit).
To set the speed of one of the ports to a to a particular value, the appropriate register should be
set to the required value from the following table: