Statistics > ethernet > eth n 5.6 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 328

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Statistics > Ethernet > ETH n
The Statistics > Ethernet > ETH n pages contain the following statistics:
Rx Packets
Received Ethernet packets
Rx Bytes
Received data bytes
Tx Packets
Transmitted Ethernet packets
Tx Bytes
Transmitted data bytes
Rx Overruns
Receive overruns
Collisions detected
Alignment Errors
Packets with Alignment errors
Late Collisions
Number of times a collision is detected later than 512 bit-times
FCS Errors
Frame Check Sequence errors detected
Tx Deferred
Transmitted packets for which first transmit attempt is delayed by busy
Long Frames
Frames greater than 1514 bytes
Carrier Sense Errors
No carrier detected during transmission
Rx MAC Errors
Receive Media Access Control errors
Tx MAC Errors
Transmit Media Access Control errors
Other Errors
Other errors detected
Extended Statistics
Rx Low Priority Bytes
Received low priority data bytes
Rx Hi Priority Bytes
Received high priority data bytes
Rx Undersized Pkts
Received undersized packets with good Cyclic Redundancy Check
Rx Fragment Pkts
Received fragment packets
Rx Oversized Pkts
Received oversized packets with good CRC
Rx Jabber Pkts
Received packets greater than 1522 bytes in length, with CRC, Alignment
or symbol errors
Rx Symbol Error
Received packets with invalid data symbol
Rx CRC Error
Received packets with CRC errors
Rx Align Error
Received packets with Alignment errors
Rx Control Pkts
Received MAC control packets
Rx Pause Pkts
Received Pause packets
Rx Broadcast Pkts
Received broadcast packets
Rx Multicast Pkts
Received multicast packets
Rx Unicast Pkts
Received unicast packets
Rx 64 Byte Pkts
Received packets 64 bytes in length
Rx 65-127 Byte Pkts
Received packets 64-127 bytes in length
Rx 128-255 Byte Pkts
Received packets 128-255 bytes in length
Rx 256-511 Byte Pkts
Received packets 256-511 bytes in length
Rx 512-1023 Byte Pkts
Received packets 512-1023 bytes in length
Rx 1024+ Byte Pkts
Received packets 1024 bytes or greater in length
Tx Low Priority Bytes
Transmitted low priority data bytes
Tx Hi Priority Bytes
Transmitted high priority data bytes
Tx Late Collision Pkts
Number of times a collision is detected later than 512 bit-times into the
Transmit of a packet
Tx Pause Pkts
Transmitted Pause packets