Confi gure > event handler 4.30 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
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Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Confi gure > Event Handler
The unit maintains a log of certain types of event in the “EVENTLOG.TXT” pseudo file. When an
event of a specified level (or higher) occurs, it can be configured to automatically generate and send
an email alert message, or on GPRS models an SMS alert message, to a pre-defined address. The
Configure > Event Handler page is used to set-up the email or SMS related options for this fea-
All events can be appended to a second log file stored on a USB flash disk, this is useful for captur-
ing a very large log file over an extended period. The size of the secondary logfile is only limited by
the size of the USB flash drive attached to the router.
Using the Web Page(s)
To use the email alert facility, you must first ensure that a valid Dial-out number, Username and
Password have been specified on the Configure > PPP > PPP n > Standard page, and that the
SMTP parameters have been set correctly on the Configure > SMTP page.
To use the automatic SMS alert message facility you must first ensure that a valid SMS Message
Centre number has been specified on the Configure > GPRS page.
Then set the following parameters as required:
Event Filter Codes:
Enter the event codes you do not wish to be logged, separated by commas. For example, if you
entered “30,68” then event codes 30 and 68 would never get logged.
Maximum event priority to log:
This specifies a maximum log level for events to be logged in the “EVENTLOG.TXT” pseudo
file. For example, if this value is set to 6, only events with a log level of 6 or lower will be logged.
The log levels for events are configured on the Configure>Event Logcodes page. Log level 1 is
high, log level 9 is low.
Delay after powerup before sending traps/emails/sms (s):
This parameter will delay the sending of SNMP traps, email requests and SMS messages for a
period of time after the unit powers up. This is useful in circumstances where the sending of
those items would fail if sent too soon after the unit powers up because the underlying inter-
face that would be used has not completed initialisation.
Emails today:
This read-only value maintains a count of how many email alert messages have been sent during
the last 24-hour period.
Max emails/day:
The value in this field is the maximum number of email alert messages that the unit will gener-
ate per day. This is intended to prevent messages being repeated frequently when you have set
the event trigger level to a low value, i.e. a value that results in many events generating auto-
mated email alert messages.
Email template:
This field contains the name of the template file that will be used to form the basis of any email
alert messages generated by the event logger. The default template is a text file called “EVENT.
EML” that is stored within the compressed .web file.
You may create alternative templates but you must use the “.EML” file extension and store the
files in the normal file directory. If you create a new template with the name “EVENT.EML”, this
will take precedence over the pre-defined “EVENT.EML” template.
Email trigger priority:
This is the lowest priority event code that will generate an email alert message. For example, if
this value is set to 6, only events with a priority of 6 or higher will trigger an automated email