Ppp over ethernet 12 – Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 384

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
PPP Over Ethernet
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) is a means of establishing a PPP connection over the top of an Ethernet
connection. The implementation provided is compliant with RFC 2516, “A Method for Transmitting
PPP Over Ethernet”. A typical application would be to allow non-PPPoE enabled devices to access
Internet services where the connection to the Internet is provided by an ADSL bridge device.
An alternative implementation of PPPoE is where the DSL circuit is directly connected to the
Westermo router and the encapsulation method is altered to PPPoE. This is explained at in the sec-
tion PPPoE using DSL.
PPPoE using an DSL bridge
This implementation uses a DSL bridge on the LAN. The Westermo connects to the ISP via the DSL
Using the Web Page(s)
There is no dedicated web page for configuring the unit to use PPPoE; rather there are a number of
parameters that appear on other web pages that must be used in conjunction with each other to
establish a PPPoE connection over the appropriate Ethernet interface.
In particular, the following configuration pages and parameters are important.
On the appropriate Configure > PPP pages, you should configure the following parameters on the
following pages:
Configure > PPP > PPP n > Standard
As a minimum requirement the Username and Password parameters should be initialised. If neces-
sary, you may set the AODI Enabled parameter to “Yes” to configure the unit so that it will attempt
to renegotiate the PPP link should it go down for any reason.
Configure > PPP > PPP n > Advanced
The advanced PPP options on this page should be initialised as required by your ISP. The Layer 1
Interface and Layer 1 Interface # fields define the physical Ethernet interface over which the PPPoE
session will operate. In most cases this is ETH 0. The fact that you have selected “Ethernet” as the
physical interface for operation with PPP automatically enables PPPoE mode. If another Ethernet
instance is used, this will need to be specified in the field Layer 1 interface # to ensure the correct
MAC address is used, this is in the format 000 or blank for port 0, 100 for port 1, 200 for port 2
etc. In addition:
Desired Local MRU and Desired Remote MRU should be set to “1492”.
Request Local ACFC and Request Remote ACFC should be set to “No”.
Request Local PFC and Request Remote PFC should be set to “No”.
Desired Local ACCM and Desired Remote ACCM should be set to “0xffffffff”.
Using Text Commands
There are no specific PPPoE commands available to the user via the text command interface. The
appropriate ppp commands should be used to set the required options.
PPPoE using DSL
This implementation is physically connected like a normal DSL service and the Westermo has a
direct connection to the DSL circuit.
Using the Web Page(s)
Confi gure > DSL > ATM PVCs > PVC 0
The encapsulation will need to match that used by the ISP. This will either be “PPPoE LLC” or “PPPoE
Confi gure > PPP > PPP n > Standard
The Username and Password parameters should be configured. If necessary, you may set the AODI
Enabled parameter to “Yes” to configure the unit so that it will attempt to renegotiate the PPP link
should it go down for any reason.