Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 186

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
Password (Empty):
This is the password that should be used when authenticating with the remote system and is
usu ally only required for outgoing PPP calls.
Confirm password:
If altering the password, the new password must also be entered here. The unit will check that
both fields are identical before changing the parameter value.
This parameter is used to specify the NUA (Network User Address) required to connect to
your AODI (Always On Dynamic ISDN) access service provider and is only available if you have
pur chase the AODI software option.
Always on mode:
This parameter is used to configure the PPP instance so that in the event that it is disconnected
the unit will try to reconnect again after approximately 10 seconds. It should be set to “On”
when using AODI or when using GPRS.
AODI delay (s):
This parameter specifies the length of time in seconds that the unit will wait after an “always-
on” PPP connection has been terminated before trying to re-establish the link.
Power up AODI delay (s):
If this parameter is not set to “0”, this is the initial delay after power up before the PPP will acti-
vate. After that, the usual always-on activation timers apply.
AODI delay when other PPPs inhibited by this one are connected (s): The value of this param-
eter takes presedense over Power up AODI delay when some other PPP that is usually inhibited
by this one is connected. This parameter would typically be used to reduce the connection retry
rate when a lower priority PPP is connected.
Go out of service if first AODI connections fail:
Usually, always-on interfaces will not go out of service unless they have connected at least once.
When this option is turned “On”, the interface will go out of service even if the first connection
attempt fails.
DNS server:
This field should be used to enter the address of the DNS server that should be used to
resolve IP addresses. If this field is left blank, PPP will attempt to negotiate this address during
the network negotiation phase.
This configures the PPP instance to operate in multi-link mode (MLPPP).
Inactivity timeout (s):
PPP will close the connection if the link is inactive for the length of time specified by this param-
eter (in seconds).
Inactivity timeout #2 (s):
This parameter may be used to specify an alternative Inactivity timeout for use in conjunc-
tion with the Use 2nd inactivity timeout when this route becomes available parameter on the
Config ure > IP Route > Route n pages. This timeout will only be used until the PPP next deac-
tivates. After that, the normal timeout value is used.