Westermo MR Series User Manual
Page 43

Web Interface and Command Line Reference Guide
This parameter can be used to turn command echo “On” or “Off” when using the text com-
mand interface. Turn command echo off if your terminal provides local command echo itself.
Escape character:
This parameter determines which character is used in the escape sequence. The value of this
parameter is the decimal ASCII code for the character, normally 43 (“+” symbol). Changing this
parameter has the same effect as changing the “S2” register.
Escape delay (x20 ms):
This parameter defines the required minimum length of the pause (in multiples of 20ms), in the
escape sequence between entering three escape characters and then entering “AT”.
Flow control:
The unit supports software flow control using XON/XOFF characters and hardware flow
control using the RS232 RTS and CTS signals. Use this drop-down list to select “Software”,
“Hardware” or a combination of “Both”. To disable flow control select the “None” option.
Interface speed:
This parameter allows you to select the interface speed from a drop down list. Select the
required speed (from 300bps to 115,200bps), or for ASY 0 or ASY 1 only you may select the
“Auto” option to allow automatic speed detection from the AT commands entered at the port.
Result codes:
This parameter is used to select “Numeric”, “Verbose” or no result codes (“None”) when using
the text command interface.
This parameter is used to set the ASY port parity to “None”, “Odd”, “Even”, “8Data Odd” or
“8Data Even” as required.
When the ASY port is not in 8-bit with parity mode (i.e. it is in either 8-bit no parity, or 7-bit
with par ity), then the unit will continually check for parity when receiving AT commands, and
adjust and match accordingly.
Disable Port:
This parameter will disable the ASY port from the software stack. The ASY port will not be able
to send data and any data received will be discarded.
Forwarding Timeout(x10ms)
This parameter is the length of time the unit will wait for more data after receiving at least one
byte of data through the serial port and before transmitting it onwards. This timer is reset each
time more data is received. The unit will forward the data onwards when either the forwarding
timer expires or the input buffer is full. This parameter applies to ADAPT, TCPDIAL, TCPPERM
and PANS.
Power-up profile:
This parameter can be set to 0 or 1 to determine which of the two stored profiles is loaded
when the unit is first powered up.
The two buttons at the bottom of the page are used to save/load the above settings to/from
the “SREGS.DAT” file. You may create two stored profiles for each available ASY port containing
the set tings detailed on this page, all of which are contained in “SREGS.DAT”.
Load Profile
Clicking this button loads the profile specified in the list box to the right.