Autotuning window – Rockwell Automation 2098-UWCPRG Ultraware Software User Manual User Manual
Page 78

Rockwell Automation Publication 2098-UM001G-EN-P - February 2011
Chapter 3 Configuring the Ultra3000 Drive
Customize the Tuning window for your Ultra3000 Drive by selecting one or
more of these commands:
Click Show Status to display or hide the Status pane.
Click Show Commands to display or hide the Commands pane.
Click Setup to open the Monitor Setup window
where you can customize the status display for this window.
Click Revert to return parameter settings to the values they held when you
opened this window.
Autotuning Window
Use the Autotuning window to configure autotuning parameters, start and stop
autotuning for an online drive, and monitor the Drive Enable status.
During autotuning, the drive executes an internal tuning algorithm and sets
appropriate gains automatically. The user sets the desired tuning command
parameters and selects the Start Autotune button to begin autotuning.
These parameters, status, and commands apply to this window:
ATTENTION: The motor shaft moves during the tuning process! Refer to
the Hardware and Installation manual for tuning details.
Closing the window returns the drive to its normal operating mode, but
the software is disabled. To make the drive operational, click the drive
and then the Enable command as instructed in the Windows’ message.
Autotune Settings
Motor Direction
The direction the motor rotates during tuning:
• Bi-Directional,
• Forward Only, or
• Reverse Only.
Maximum Distance
The maximum distance the motor turns when performing
autotuning. The autotune distance should be set as large as the
application permits, so that the autotune algorithm is able to
collect sufficient data to compute new tuning gains. It has a
range of 1…2,147,483,647 counts.
Step Current
The current the drive commands when performing autotuning, in
percent of the lesser of either the drive peak current or the
motor peak current. The autotune current is normally set at
10%, but may need to be increased in the presence of large
inertias or high friction. In these systems, higher settings make
sure that the autotune algorithm is able to collect sufficient data
to compute new tuning gains. It has a range of 1…100%.