Rockwell Automation 2098-UWCPRG Ultraware Software User Manual User Manual
Page 69

Rockwell Automation Publication 2098-UM001G-EN-P - February 2011
Configuring the Ultra3000 Drive Chapter 3
• Home to Current Value/Back to Marker: After the Home
Current Value is reached, the drive immediately reverses
motor direction and looks for the marker. After the marker is
detected, the drive moves the motor the Offset Move
Distance from the marker, reversing if necessary. The final
position becomes the new Home position. The Homing
Velocity is used for the initial motion until the current value is
reached. The Creep Velocity is used for all the remaining
• Home to Marker: After the marker is detected, the drive
moves the motor the Offset Move Distance from the marker,
reversing if necessary. The final position becomes the new
Home position.
• To Sensor/Back to Marker: After the active-going edge of the
sensor is detected, the drive immediately reverses motor
direction and looks for the inactive-going edge of the sensor.
After the inactive-going edge of the sensor is detected, the
drive looks for the marker. After the marker is detected, the
drive moves the motor the Offset Move Distance from the
marker, reversing if necessary. The final position becomes the
new Home position. The Homing Velocity is used for the
initial sensor search. After the motor decelerates to a stop
when it finds the active-going sensor edge, the Creep
Velocity is used for all the remaining motion.
• To Sensor/Fwd to Marker: After the active-going edge of the
sensor is detected, the drive looks for the marker. After the
marker is detected, the drive moves the motor the Offset
Move Distance from the marker, reversing if necessary. The
final position becomes the new Home position.
Auto Start Homing on Enable
Causes the drive to begin the homing procedure automatically
when the drive is enabled. Selections are:
• Active: automatically starts homing every time the drive is
enabled, and
• Active After Reset Only: automatically starts homing when a
drive is enabled, if the drive has not already been homed.
• Inactive
Home Sensor Back-off
Causes the drive to move in the direction opposite the direction
specified by the Homing Velocity setting, when the homing
procedure is started with the Sensor input active. Motion
continues in the reverse direction (moving at the Homing Accel,
Homing Decel, and Homing Velocity settings), until the Sensor
input is detected inactive, at which point the normal homing
procedure takes over.
• Active: automatically starts backoff when the input is
• Inactive: normal homing procedure occurs.
Note: This does not apply if Home to Marker is selected as the
Homing Type.
Homing Velocity
The commanded velocity used during homing. The sign of the
this value (+/-) indicates the direction of motion during homing.
It has a range of -2,147,483,647…22,147,483,647 rpm (rotary)
or counts per second (linear).
Homing Accel/Decel
The rate of acceleration and deceleration used during homing. It
has a range of 0…2,147,483,647 revolutions per second
counts per second.
Offset Move Distance
The distance the motor position is from the marker edge (or
sensor edge for Sensor only Homing Type) after the homing
sequence is complete.
It has a range of -2,147,483,647…2,147,483,647 counts.