Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual
Page 127

5. Commissioning
Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-CO-EN en 1209a
Instructions on parametrizing and commissioning
FCT framework
Information on workiing with projects and on adding compo-
nents to a project can be found in the help for the FCT frame-
work with the command [Help] [Contents FCT general].
The MTR-DCI PlugIn for the FCT supports all the steps necess-
ary for commissioning an MTR-DCI. The necessary parametriz-
ings can be executed offline, i. e. without the MTR-DCI being
connected to the PC. This enables preparation for the actual
commissioning, e. g. in the design office when a new system
is planned.
Further information can be found in the PlugIn help: The com-
mand [Help] [Contents of installed PlugIns] [Festo (manufac-
turer name) ] [MTR-DCI (PlugIn name) ], e. g.:
for describing the dialogues of the “MTR-DCI device”
for describing the work steps for commissioning
for the basic functions: device connection, device names,
device control and for password protection.
By means of the CANopen interface, access to the MTR-DCI
through the Festo Configuration Tool can be blocked (see
section 5.5.2, FHPP control bit CCON.B5, CiA 402 control word
Bit14). In this case the boxes “FCT control” and “Enable” are
blocked (inactive).