IAI America RCM-101-USB User Manual
Page 92

6. Initial Setting and Position Data Editing for SEP
To change the password, perform the operations explained below.
[How to Set Password for Edit Position Data Window]
[1] Click Parameter from the main menu, and then select Edit.
[2] In the axis selection window, select the axis number corresponding to the parameters you want to edit.
(Refer to 4, “Selecting an Axis.)
[3] Enter the password in the input password window. (The factory-set password is “0000.”)
[4] Set the password under the Parameter No. 20, “Position data edit password.”
Fig. 6.9 Edit Parameter Window
[5] Click Parameter from the main menu, and then select Send to Controller.
[6] When the axis selection window appears, select the axis number of the controller to send the parameter(s)
(Refer to 4, “Selecting an Axis.”)
[7] When OK is clicked in the axis selection window, the following warning window appears. Click Yes, and
the parameters will be sent to the controller.
Fig. 6.10 Warning