IAI America RCM-101-USB User Manual
Page 217

12. Off Board T
uning Function on SCON-CA
Set the movement type from absolute move and incremental move, which is to be used for the takt time
calculation. The numbers corresponding to the absolute and incremental moves are as shown below.
• Absolute
: 0
• Incremental : 1
Gain Set
Set the gain set number used for the takt time calculation.
Rest time (s)
Set the rest time.
[3] Operation Pattern Setting Tool Buttons
Fig. 12.70 Operation Pattern Setting Tool Buttons
Fastest ptn button
Click on this button and the operation pattern can be set in the selected line to maximize the load applied
to the motor.
(Note) Fastest operation setting cannot be executed as long as the carrier load and movement distance
settings are incomplete.
Copy button
Click this button to copy the content of selected cell.
Paste button
Click this button to paste the copied content to the selected cell.
Ins 1 line button
Click this button to insert a blank line to the selected cell.
Del 1 line button
Click this button to delete the content of the selected line and let the lines below the deleted line go up by
one line.
Del all line button
Click this button to delete all the settings in the operation pattern setting grid.
Execute button
Click this button to execute the takt time calculation with the operation pattern set to the operation
pattern setting grid.