IAI America RCM-101-USB User Manual
Page 73

5. Editing Position Data on CON Controllers and Older Models
First-order delay filter
More gradual acceleration/deceleration curves are drawn than the linear
acceleration/deceleration (trapezoid pattern).
Use this in the applications by giving micro vibrations to work part during
acceleration/deceleration not desired.
* Set the degree of the first-order lag with the parameter No. 55 (constant for the position
command first-order filtering). The setting unit is 0.1 msec and the setting range is
between 0.0 and 100.0.
If “0” is set, the first-lag filter will become invalid.
However, it will not be reflected in jogging/increment movement by PC or Teaching
Pendant operation.
(Note) It cannot be set for the ERC2, PCON or RPCON controller. The parameter No. 55
is reserved.
[11] ABS/INC:
Select either the absolute or incremental positioning.
The factory setting is 0.
0: Absolute positioning
1: Incremental positioning
Warning: In the case of a PCON-C/CG, PCON-CA, ACON-C/CG, SCON, ERC3 PIO
Converter or MSCON (remote I/O mode) controller operating in solenoid
mode 2 or PCON-CY or ACON-CY controller operating in solenoid mode 0, be
sure to use absolute coordinates. If relative coordinates are used, position
data errors will occur.
[12] Cmnd Mode: This field is invalid.
The factory setting is 0.