IAI America RCM-101-USB User Manual
Page 50

3. Main W
Fig. 3.4 Toolbar Buttons
[12] Cascade windows
Same as clicking
Window, and then selecting Cascade.
[13] Tile windows vertically
Same as clicking
Window, and then selecting Tile Vertical.
[14] Tile windows horizontally
Same as clicking
Window, and then selecting Tile Horizontal.
[15] Select manual operation mode. Select from the following four menus.
* Menus are not displayed in case of RCP, RCS, E-Con, RCP2 controllers and ERC.
Teach mode 1 (Safety speed effective/PIO start prohibition)
PIO start prohibition:
Position data and parameter, etc., are allowed to be written in the controller
and actuator operation is commanded by the PC software.
Safety speed effective: Maximum speed becomes safety speed (set by a parameter) regardless of
speed designation of position data.
Teach mode 2 (Safety speed ineffective/ PIO start prohibition)
PIO start prohibition:
Position data and parameter, etc., are allowed to be written in the controller
and actuator operation is commanded by the PC software.
Safety speed ineffective: Allows operation at the speed set in the speed designation of the position data
table (safety speed or higher).
Monitor mode 1 (Safety speed effective/PIO start permission)
PIO start permission:
Monitoring is only allowed. Position data and parameter, etc., are not allowed
to be written in the controller and actuator operation is not commanded by the
PC Software. Operation command (jog, home return, etc.) cannot be
performed from the PC Interface software.
Safety speed effective: Maximum speed becomes safety speed (set by a parameter) regardless of
speed designation of position data.
Monitor mode 2 (Safety speed ineffective/PIO start permission)
PIO start permission:
Monitoring is only allowed. Position data and parameter, etc., are not allowed
to be written in the controller and actuator operation is not commanded by the
PC Software. Operation command (jog, home return, etc.) cannot be
performed from the PC Interface software.
Safety speed ineffective: Allows operation at a speed (safety speed or higher) as commanded from the
If the controller has an MANU/AUTO switch, the menus become available when the switch is set to the