IAI America RCM-101-USB User Manual
Page 235

13. Frequency
Analysis Function for SCON-CA
ibration Control
FreqResol [Hz]
The effective frequency resolution of FFT analysis is indicated.
This value indicates the resolution of FFT analysis result. FFT analysis result data are integer multiples of
the frequency resolution.
Window Func
Select the window function to be applied to the data to be analyzed in FFT analysis.
One of the following four window functions can be selected:
• Rectangle
• Hanning
• Humming
• Blackman
General shapes of window functions are shown below for your reference.
Fig. 11.20 Rectangle
Fig. 11.21 Hanning
Fig. 11.22 Humming
Fig. 11.23 Blackman
Any change to the set window function will not be reflected in the FFT analysis result unless FFT analysis
performed again.
If the data has been read from an existing analytical data file (file extension: fmd), the new setting will be
saved when the file is saved.
The default value of “Hanning” is set immediately after the PC software has been installed.
Sight Application Func
When this check box is selected, the window function is applied to the data to be analyzed and
function-applied data is displayed. If the check box is cleared, the data to be analyzed to which window
function is not yet applied is displayed.
Regardless of this setting, FFT analysis is performed on the data to which the window function has been
The “Sight application function” box is cleared by default immediately after the PC software has been
The “Sight application function” of number of use data, number of thinning, window function selection and
window function saves the measurement axis settings which become the default value at the start next time
Note however that if an existing analytical data file (file extension: fmd) is read, the number sent to the file is