Test mode status, Ibx out a status, Ibx out b status – Rockwell Automation 1503VC IntelliVAC Plus Contactor Control Module User Manual
Page 155: Fault status, Ibx- healthy module contactor open, Ibx-healthy module contactor closed, Ibx-invalid command present
1503-UM054C-EN-P – June 2013
Test Mode Status
This is a dual function bit which can be used to describe the status of
a selector switch which chooses between normal operation, and test
operation mode.
IBX Out A Status
This is a bit which describes the status of its respective IntelliVAC
Output A (close coil) output, a “1” indicated the output is energized
and the contactor closed. A “0” indicates the output is not energized
and the contactor may or may not be open dependent on contactor
type (Electrically held vs. mechanically latched)
IBX Out B Status
This is a bit which describes the status of its respective IntelliVAC
Output B (Open coil for mechanically latched contactors). A “1”
indicates an energized output resulting in the opening of a
mechanically latched contactor. A “0” indicates an output which is
not energized.
Fault Status
This is a bit which describes the fault status of the IntelliVAC Plus
module. If any of the fault states exist in the module this bit will “1”
otherwise it will be “0”
IBX- Healthy Module Contactor open
This is a bit which describes the health status of its associated
IntelliVAC base module. If there are no faults on the module and
the contactor is open this bit will be “1”. The bit will be “0” of there
is a fault present on the IB module.
IBX-Healthy Module Contactor closed
This is a bit which describes the health status of its associated
IntelliVAC base module. If there are no faults on the module, and
the contactor is closed this bit will be “1”. The bit will be “0” if
there is a fault present on the IB module.
IBX-Invalid Command Present
This bit is set when an invalid command is present on the module.
For example if both an open and close command is given