Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 368

Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide
Syslog messages
Syslog messages ACL
Message level
ACL list acl-num denied ip-proto
src-ip-addr (src-tcp/udp-port)
(Ethernet portnum mac-addr) ->
dst-ip-addr (dst-tcp/udp-port),
1 events
Indicates that an Access Control List (ACL)
denied (dropped) packets.
The acl-num indicates the ACL number.
Numbers 1 – 99 indicate standard ACLs.
Numbers 100 – 199 indicate extended
The ip-proto indicates the IP protocol of the
denied packets.
The src-ip-addr is the source IP address of
the denied packets.
The src-tcp/udp-port is the source TCP or
UDP port, if applicable, of the denied
The portnum indicates the port number on
which the packet was denied.
The mac-addr indicates the source MAC
address of the denied packets.
The dst-ip-addr indicates the destination IP
address of the denied packets.
The dst-tcp/udp-port indicates the
destination TCP or UDP port number, if
applicable, of the denied packets.
ACL:rip filter list list-num direction V1 | V2
denied ip-addr, num packets
Indicates that a RIP route filter denied
(dropped) packets.
The list-num is the ID of the filter list.
The direction indicates whether the filter
was applied to incoming packets or
outgoing packets. The value can be one of
the following:
The V1 or V2 value specifies the RIP version
(RIPv1 or RIPv2).
The ip-addr indicates the network number
in the denied updates.
The num indicates how many packets
matching the values above were dropped
during the five-minute interval represented
by the log entry.
ACL insufficient L4 session resource, using
flow based ACL instead
The device does not have enough Layer 4
session entries.
To correct this condition, allocate more
memory for sessions. To allocate more
memory, enter the following command at
the global CONFIG level of the CLI interface
system-max session-limit num
ACL system fragment packet inspect rate
rate exceeded
The fragment rate allowed on the device
has been exceeded.
The rate indicates the maximum rate
This message can occur if fragment
throttling is enabled.