Configuring router b, Configuring router c – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
Page 183

Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide
CFM monitoring and show commands
6. Configuring a MED for each of the Domain Service Access Points of a service instance creates
a MA to monitor the connectivity. Add ethernet port 1/1 to a specified maintenance
RouterA(config-cfm-md-CUST_1-ma-ma_5)#mep 2 down port ethe 1/1
7. To configure the hostnameas RouterA, enter a command such as the following.
RouterA(config)#hostname RouterA
8. Configure interface ethernet 1/1 as the custom-edge by entering the following commands.
RouterA(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
RouterA(config-if-e10000-1/1)#port-type customer-edge
Configuring Router B
CFM configuration steps for Router B are listed below.
1. Create the port-based VLAN that contains the tagged interface that you want to use by entering
the following commands.
RouterB(config)# vlan30
RouterB(config-vlan-30)# tagged ethe 1/1
2. To enable CFM, enter the following command.
3. Create a maintenance domain with a specified name CUST_1 and level 7.
RouterB(config-cfm)#domain-name CUST_1 level 7
4. Create a maintenance association within a specified ESI Site2vlan30, and a vlan-id 30 with a
priority 3.
RouterB(config-cfm-md-CUST_1)#ma-name ma_5 esi Site2vlan30 vlan-id 30 priority
5. Set the time interval between successive Continuity Check Messages to 10-seconds.
RouterB(config-cfm-md-CUST_1-ma-ma_5)#ccm-interval 10-second
6. Configuring a MED for each of the Domain Service Access Points of a service instance creates
a MA to monitor the connectivity. Add ethernet port 1/2 to a specified maintenance
RouterB(config-cfm-md-CUST_1-ma-ma_5)#mep 2 down port ethe 1/2
7. To configure the hostnameas RouterB, enter a command such as the following.
RouterB(config)#hostname RouterB
8. Configure interface ethernet 1/1 as the custome-edge by entering the following commands.
RouterB(config)#interface ethernet 1/1
RouterB(config-if-e10000-1/1)#port-type customer-edge
Configuring Router C
CFM configuration steps for Router C are listed below.