Alarm (rmon group 3), Event (rmon group 9) – Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual
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Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide
RMON support
Alarm (RMON group 3)
Alarm is designed to monitor configured thresholds for any SNMP integer, time tick, gauge or
counter MIB object. Using the CLI, you can define what MIB objects are monitored, the type of
thresholds that are monitored (falling, rising or both), the value of those thresholds, and the
sample type (absolute or delta).
An alarm event is reported each time that a threshold is exceeded. The alarm entry also indicates
the action (event) to be taken if the threshold be exceeded.
A sample CLI alarm entry and its syntax is shown below.
Brocade(config)# rmon alarm 1 ifInOctets.6 10 delta rising-threshold 100 1 falling
threshold 50 1 owner nyc02
Syntax: rmon alarm entry-number MIB-object.interface-num sampling-time sample-type
threshold-type threshold-value event-number threshold-type threshold-value
owner text-string
The sample-type can be absolute or delta.
The threshold-type can be falling-threshold or rising-threshold.
Event (RMON group 9)
There are two elements to the Event Group — the event control table and the event log table.
The event control table defines the action to be taken when an alarm is reported. Defined events
can be found by entering the CLI command, show event. The Event Log Table collects and stores
reported events for retrieval by an RMON application.
A sample entry and syntax of the event control table is shown below.
Brocade(config)# rmon event 1 description ‘testing a longer string’ log-and-trap
public owner nyc02
Syntax: rmon event event-entry description text-string log | trap | log-and-trap | owner