Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

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Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide


CAM partition profiles


IP VPN SNet 11: 523456 (07fcc0) - 523471 (07fccf)

IP VPN SNet 12: 523472 (07fcd0) - 523487 (07fcdf)

IP VPN SNet 13: 523488 (07fce0) - 523503 (07fcef)

IP VPN SNet 14: 523504 (07fcf0) - 523519 (07fcff)

IP VPN SNet 15: 523520 (07fd00) - 523535 (07fd0f)

IP VPN SNet 16: 523536 (07fd10) - 523551 (07fd1f)

IP VPN SNet 17: 523552 (07fd20) - 523567 (07fd2f)

IP VPN SNet 18: 523568 (07fd30) - 523583 (07fd3f)

IP VPN SNet 19: 523584 (07fd40) - 523599 (07fd4f)

IP VPN SNet 20: 523600 (07fd50) - 523615 (07fd5f)

IP VPN SNet 21: 523616 (07fd60) - 523631 (07fd6f)

IP VPN SNet 22: 523632 (07fd70) - 523647 (07fd7f)

IP VPN SNet 23: 523648 (07fd80) - 523663 (07fd8f)

IP VPN SNet 24: 523664 (07fd90) - 523679 (07fd9f)

IP VPN SNet 25: 523680 (07fda0) - 523695 (07fdaf)

IP VPN SNet 26: 523696 (07fdb0) - 523711 (07fdbf)

IP VPN SNet 27: 523712 (07fdc0) - 523727 (07fdcf)

IP VPN SNet 28: 523728 (07fdd0) - 523743 (07fddf)

IP VPN SNet 29: 523744 (07fde0) - 523759 (07fdef)

IP VPN SNet 30: 523760 (07fdf0) - 523775 (07fdff)

IP VPN SNet 31: 523776 (07fe00) - 524287 (07ffff)

MAC Section : 524288 (080000) - 655359 (09ffff)

MAC Forwarding: 524288 (080000) - 655317 (09ffd5)

MAC Flooding : 655318 (09ffd6) - 655327 (09ffdf)

Misc Protocol : 655350 (09fff6) - 655381 (0a0015)

Session Section : 655360 (0a0000) - 753663 (0b7fff)

IP Multicast : 655360 (0a0000) - 671743 (0a3fff)

Broadcast ACL : 673792 (0a4800) - 675839 (0a4fff)

Receive ACL : 671744 (0a4000) - 673791 (0a47ff)

Rule-based ACL: 673792 (0a4800) - 753663 (0b7fff)

IPv6 Session Sec: 753664 (0b8000) - 786431 (0bffff)

IP Multicast : 753664 (0b8000) - 770047 (0bbfff)

Receive ACL : 770048 (0bc000) - 770559 (0bc1ff)

Rule-based ACL: 770560 (0bc200) - 786431 (0bffff)

Out Session : 786432 (0c0000) - 983039 (0effff)

Out IPv6 Session: 983040 (0f0000) - 104857 (0fffff)


Syntax: show cam-partition

The output displays the CAM partitioning profile name, slot number, number of CAM device, and
total CAM size. It also displays the raw size, user size, and reserved size for each of the CAM

The information related to the broadcast ACL CAM partition is shown in bold text in the previous

Table 52

describes the output parameters of the show cam-partition command.


Output parameters of the show cam-partition command



CAM partitioning profile

Shows the CAM profile name.


Shows the slot number.

# of CAM device

Shows the number of the CAM device.

Total CAM Size

Shows the total available CAM size.