Brocade Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide (Supporting R05.6.00) User Manual

Page 110

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Multi-Service IronWare Administration Guide


Configuration examples


ip access-list extended Test_filter2

deny vlan 2405 ip host any

permit vlan 3000 ip any any

Associate Test ACL with Test map/paths

route-map Testing permit 1

rule-name Test_path1

match ip address Test_filter1

set next-hop-flood-vlan 2 preserve-vlan

route-map Testing permit 2

rule-name Test_path2

match ip address Test_filter2

set interface ethernet 15/1 preserve-vlan

Apply new map to Source ports

interface ethernet 10/1

ip policy route-map Testing

allow-all-vlan pbr

interface ethernet 10/2

ip policy route-map Testing

allow-all-vlan pbr

Rebind ACL's

ip rebind-acl all

Modify destination ports (if necessary)

vlan 2

untag ethernet 8/1 to 8/3

lag iris_view

ports ethernet 15/1 to 15/3

primary-port 15/1


Apply production map to Source ports

interface ethernet 10/1

ip policy route-map xGW_map

allow-all-vlan pbr

interface ethernet 10/2

ip policy route-map xGW_map

allow-all-vlan pbr

Rebind ACL's

ip rebind-acl all

Modify destination ports (if necessary)

vlan 2

untag ethernet 8/1 to 8/3

lag iris_view

ports ethernet 15/1 to 15/3

primary-port 15/1
