Lane on/off for each individual lane, Split arm for each individual lane & split arm all – Daktronics OmniSport 2000 Timing Console User Manual
Page 43

Swimming Mode Operation
Lane ON/OFF for Each Individual Lane
At the start of a race, the timer automatically turns every lane on. It is up to the operator to
turn them off if needed.
For each lane that is empty (no swimmer in that lane), press [LANE ON/OFF] to tell the timer
to not expect any data from that lane. A second use of the key is to temporarily disable a lane
and then turn it back on. For example, this is useful during a relay event. If the arming delay
on a lane is about to expire and the athlete has not climbed out of the pool, the operator can
press [LANE ON/OFF] for that lane and prevent a false touch from the touchpad. After the
athlete is out of the pool, the operator then presses [LANE ON/OFF] again to turn the lane on
and prepare for the next valid input from the touchpad.
Finish Arm for Each Individual Lane & Finish Arm All
The timer receives split times and finish times. What is unique about a finish time is that it is
the end of the race and the timer compares the final time to the back-up time (push buttons).
The final time is what is used to place that lane into the final results. The Finish Arm key for
each individual lane is used to force that lane to be ready for a finish time. Typically when
the timer has a pre-programmed event order and the operator selects a particular event, the
timer knows how many split times to receive before it is expecting a finish time. The Finish
Arm key is used in the event a swimmer is on his/her final leg and the timer is not ready to
receive the finish time. Pressing [FINISH ARM] will set the status of that lane to Lane armed
for a finish time and the length count will be adjusted accordingly.
Examples of when to use Finish Arm:
A missed touchpad time and the timer was still expecting a split time
Timer received an extra touchpad time caused by a swimmer reaching over the top
of the pad
A swimmer did not climb out before the arming delay expired on a relay
Touchpad malfunction
Wrong event number used and incorrect length of the race—typically this would be
corrected with a [FINISH ARM ALL]
Operator is not using a pre-programmed event order and the incorrect number of
lengths was entered. Typically this would be corrected with a [FINISH ARM ALL]
Arming Delay programmed too long and the lane not armed to receive the finish time
Split Arm for Each Individual Lane & Split Arm All
When the timer is armed for a split, it only receives times from the touchpad input and if it is
a relay exchange, the Relay Take-Off Platform (RTOP). If the arming delay is counting down
for a particular lane, and the swimmer is about to press the touchpad for a split time, the
operator can press [SPLIT ARM] for the desired lane and the timer will immediately
decrement the length count by one and set the lane status to Lane armed for a split time. If the
lane is already armed for a split time, finish time or finished, ignore Split Arm.