Daktronics Display Studio Scripting Button Script Commands User Manual

Display studio scripting button script commands, Script command types, Dmp-7000 player control scripts

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Date: 18-May-2012

Display Studio Scripting Button Script Commands

Quick Reference Guide

Scripting buttons are used in Display Studio to initiate multiple actions at the same time, such as controlling
multiple displays at the same time. This quick reference describes the script commands that are available for
inclusion in scripting buttons and the steps involved in creating the scripts. For help with creating scripting
buttons, refer to the Show Control System User Handbook.



are used in this document to indicate digital media player support for script

commands. Information tagged with a 7 applies only to DMP-7000 systems and information
tagged with an 8 applies only to DMP-8000 systems. Information without a numerical tag applies
to both types of systems.

Script Command Types:

DMP-7000 Player Control Scripts

DMP-7000 Display Control Scripts

DMP-7000 Video Processor Control Scripts

DMP-8000 Player Control Scripts

DMP-8000 Audio Control Scripts

System Control Scripts

Advanced Scripting

DMP-7000 Player Control Scripts

The following table details the different types of DMP-7000 Player Control Scripts which may be created in Display
Studio. For each type of script, the table describes that script’s purpose, and shows the required steps and
available options for each step.

Step 1:

Select Script Type

 DMP-7000 Player Control

Step 2:

Select Sign(s)

To complete this action:

Follow these steps when creating the script:

Step 3:

Select Player


Step 4:

See Below

Step 5:

See Below

Play a file on one or multiple



Select File(s):

Add File

Playmode Selection:


Number of Times

Selected Frame

Single Step