Using a chart title, Resizing a chart – Apple Pages '08 User Manual

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Chapter 10

Using Charts

You can show or hide a chart’s legend, and you can reposition it.

Here are ways to work with a chart’s legend:


To show the legend, select the chart and then select Show Legend in the Chart


To edit the labels in the legend, edit the series labels in the Chart Data Editor or select
the legend and edit the text directly in the legend.


To format the legend’s text, see “Formatting Titles, Labels, and Legends” on page 213.


To hide the legend, select the chart and then deselect Show Legend in the Chart

You can also select the legend and press Delete.


To move the legend, select and then drag it.

Using a Chart Title

You can add a title to a chart. The title can be formatted.

Here are ways to work with a chart’s title:


To add a title, select the chart and then select Show Title in the Chart Inspector. Replace
the placeholder text with your title.


To format the title’s text, see “Formatting Titles, Labels, and Legends” on page 213.


To hide the title, select the chart and then deselect Show Title in the Chart Inspector.

Resizing a Chart

You can make a chart larger or smaller by dragging one of its active selection handles
or by using the Metrics Inspector.

Here are ways to resize a chart:


Click the chart to select it, and then drag an active selection handle. Active selection
handles have a black outline.

The selection handles on the top of inline charts are inactive. To resize an inline chart,
drag the active handles on the lower right side.


To maintain a chart’s proportions, hold down the Shift key as you drag to resize the


To resize a chart in one direction, drag a side handle instead of a corner handle.


To resize by specifying exact dimensions, click Inspector in the toolbar, click the Metrics
Inspector button, and then click Metrics. In this pane, you can specify a new width,
height, and angle of rotation, and you can change the chart’s distance from the